--- Comment #4 from Bamm Gabriana 2007-12-02 21:30:25 --- Last time I checked (and suggest you check that too) the WinXP "Classic" colors defined in HKCU\Control Panel\Colors are the same as Win2k. I know that because I hate the Luna look too, and always use Windows Classic under XP.
Prior to 0.9.50, the default colors of Wine were that of Win98 even though its default setup is Win2k. Perhaps haven't noticed the difference between Win98 and Win2k colors?
Which brings me to another point: why not make the colors match the Windows version Wine is set to? For example, if Wine is set to Win98, then use Win98 colors. If Wine is set to either Win2k or WinXP, then use the Win2k/XP-classic colors. However, that should be another bug!
You're straying away from the topic. This bug is just a minor correction to a patch by Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes. Can someone add him to the CC list of this bug please? Thanks.