--- Comment #12 from Anastasius Focht --- Hello Erich,
--- quote --- It looks like chrome is expecting the 64-bit ntdll to be mapped into the address space of the 32-bit app --- quote ---
MSDN details:
--- quote --- The WOW64 emulator runs in user mode. It provides an interface between the 32-bit version of Ntdll.dll and the kernel of the processor, and it intercepts kernel calls. The WOW64 emulator consists of the following DLLs:
* Wow64.dll provides the core emulation infrastructure and the thunks for the Ntoskrnl.exe entry-point functions. * Wow64Win.dll provides thunks for the Win32k.sys entry-point functions. * Wow64Cpu.dll is an interface library that abstracts characteristics of the host processor. ...
These DLLs, along with the 64-bit version of Ntdll.dll, are the only 64-bit binaries that can be loaded into a 32-bit process.
At startup, Wow64.dll loads the x86 version of Ntdll.dll and runs its initialization code, which loads all necessary 32-bit DLLs. Almost all 32-bit DLLs are unmodified copies of 32-bit Windows binaries. However, some of these DLLs are written to behave differently on WOW64 than they do on 32-bit Windows, usually because they share memory with 64-bit system components. All user-mode address space above the 32-bit limit is reserved by the system. For more information, see Performance and Memory Consumption under WOW64.
Instead of using the x86 system-service call sequence, 32-bit binaries that make system calls are rebuilt to use a custom calling sequence. This calling sequence is inexpensive for WOW64 to intercept because it remains entirely in user mode. When the custom calling sequence is detected, the WOW64 CPU transitions back to native 64-bit mode and calls into Wow64.dll. Thunking is done in user mode to reduce the impact on the 64-bit kernel and to reduce the risk of a bug in the thunk that might cause a kernel-mode crash, data corruption, or a security hole. The thunks extract arguments from the 32-bit stack, extend them to 64 bits, then make the native system call. --- quote ---
Reading the Chromium project change history it seems the WoW helper process mechanism is only supported/implemented for OS <= Windows Vista anyway.
--- quote --- fixing this is looking like a real mess. --- quote ---
I tend to say "not worth the damage". At one point Wine will default to Winver "Windows 7" anyway and the sandboxing schemes employ different methods then.