--- Comment #5 from leedj --- My story is a little complicated Best one of my favorite hobbys is just watching afreecatv. And Xp is expired. So I dont have a choice execpt of changing my OS. So I do use 2 OS's Win7 and Linux Mint by dual booting. but In Korea, NOT Yet Linux environment is good. For example, ActiveX is the point. Recently environment of using Linux become a litte better than before. But not completed, like as afreecatv. A few days ago, I ran Wine to install ,in this time, afeeca streamer , of course, as I had being done sometimes that-like trying it already from 15years ago whenever I change my OS to linux. But Wine also appointed me. So I thought that if Installing it has failed continually, and file folders for afreeca streamer is not being created, Copying same folder being created on win7 and pasting it on the sub directory of Wine on Linux mint. I did it. And firstly, since I try to install afreeca streamer, that seems to be succeeded, but soon wine error message says blablabla, So my last decision has became this bug reporting in this site.