--- Comment #11 from Andrew Nguyen 2009-11-07 05:22:36 --- I suspect this may be a crypt32 bug. From +relay,+seh log:
0009:Call advapi32.CryptSetKeyParam(050445a0,00000002,0032be5c,00000000) ret=298fdf8f 0009:Call rsaenh.CPSetKeyParam(00000002,00000004,00000002,0032be5c,00000000) ret=7ec204cd 0009:Ret rsaenh.CPSetKeyParam() retval=00000000 ret=7ec204cd 0009:Ret advapi32.CryptSetKeyParam() retval=00000000 ret=298fdf8f 0009:Call KERNEL32.GetLastError() ret=298fdf99 0009:Ret KERNEL32.GetLastError() retval=8009000a ret=298fdf99
At a certain point in the file loading process, Microsoft Money 2001 seems to do cryptographic operations and calls CryptSetKeyParam with KP_SALT value, which is not implemented in rsaenh's CPSetKeyParam. The bug component should probably be revised accordingly.