This bug should have been marked as resolved a while back. It's been a non-issue since about version 13. No library overrides are presently required other than 'usp10.dll' which addresses a different issue.
As far as I know there is only one open bug that relates to PAF 5.2. And that's an issue with PAF and Wine not talking to each other about registry data updates.
Since Wine will not recognize my login information anymore I can't fix it. Would you please post for me?
RHETORICAL QUESTIONS: Why does every web site insist on a user id and password which seem to be of absolutely no value to anyone on the face of the earth???? Once a potential user has jumped through the appropriate hoops to satisfy the site why the &^%# can't it remember a user's login data???? I wrote it down first then entered the data into the site so I know it's a Wine side issue!