------- Additional Comments From 2007-05-06 22:39 -------
What distro?
As stated in my original bug report, this is what is seen when running on Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon - 2.6.22), which goes tribe 1 in two days.
Why are you compiling Wine from GIT and not using binary package?
Because that's what I've done for the last couple of years on various distros. Well.. I was compiling from CVS back then, but "same difference" as they say. Also, there are no wine packages available for Gutsy yet.
This is not place to ask how to use GIT. _Only_ to discuss Wine bugs _only_.
I was only asking for a friendly piece of advice from the more experienced (you) so that I could help track down the bug. Without your assistance, the best thing I could come up with was "git reset --hard HEAD~100" to keep backleveling a chunk at a time.
No one had this problem so far.
That you are aware of, yes? No one ever reports a problem until the first person does, and not everyone always experiences every problem, right? I'm running a 64-bit bleeding edge distro on a dual-core system; I somehow always tend to be one of the first to encounter a new bug - hehe.
I will keep this bug open, but you will have to find what's broken in your
This is not a bug that affects my ability to use Wine at all... I'm only trying to assist you guys. If you are sure no one else will encounter this and insist on closing it, that's your prerogative.
As for searching for what's broken, I've completely deleted my .wine, removed my Steam directory, made clean and installed from scratch. Either this is a bug in wine, a bug in the newer GCC (which I pretty much ruled out by jumping back to 3.4 in my testing), or a bug in some supporting library that will likely affect a lot of people eventually if we don't identify it now and alert the responsible project (if it's actually a bug in a supporting library).
I backleveled all the way back to April so far, and still see the problem. If no one else in no other 64-bit distro sees the problem (though we've only had a day to have them stumble across this and chime in), I'm inclined to believe it's a problem introduced by something new in Gutsy. I was using Feisty betas in April, and believe I would have noticed this bug before - but can't be certain since all I usually do is test to see what the DirectX patches do to/for the actual games.
If it's a problem with a supporting library, do you have an idea as to which one could have this sort of affect on the GUI? I'm willing to download the source of likely candidates and install older versions to root out the culprit.
The Steam games themselves, like CS:S still run fine (kudos to all devs)... only the steam GUI is showing this minor bug. I even turned off Beryl and tried KWin as a window manager, to see if it had any effect -but it did not.