------- Additional Comments From 2007-11-06 14:43 ------- Ha! I know what is going on.
Wine (by default?) assigns D: as /media/dvd, so when I list this directory I see symlink to /dev/sr0 (device which is mounted in /media/dvd). But it can collide when using winecfg.
Steps to reproduce: a) no CD mounted, run winecfg, no drive D:, list dosdevices, there IS symlink for D b) mount CD c) run winecfg -> there is D: d) unmount CD, run winecfg -> D: is gone, list dosdevices D: is NOT gone e) a month later h) mount iso file to some point, run winecfg, add new drive, winecfg will suggest... D: drive, accept, close winecfg g) list dosdevices, now, there are two drives D: h) unmount iso file, winecfg -- one drive D: for the last mounting point i) list dosdevices, still two D: j) month later k) mount CD as in (b) l) winecfg, quit winecfg m) unmount CD
Voila. The k-m steps erased previous settings, erased doubled D: drives, and wine does not even remember there was something like iso-file mounted.
n) run winecfg --> no drive D: