Yesterday, after having manually closed some old fixed bugs, I discussed with infyquest and tlambregts on irc and tlambregts told us that instead of manually closing the bugs, bugzilla had a "change several bugs at once function"
It was then discussed that bugs that are FIXED and where resolution is not LATER or DUPLICATE or REMIND should be marked CLOSED as the fixes have been integrated in an official release (namely 0.9).
FYI the CLOSED status means: The bug is considered dead, the resolution is correct. Any zombie bugs who choose to walk the earth again must do so by becoming REOPENED.
Unfortunately bugzilla doesn't allow to close bugs directly from their fixed state so you have to verify them before and thus it will send two mails for each bug closed. I don't think it was possible to turn off change notification at that time (tlambregts even told me that the two spam bugs were normal because of the way bugzilla works) but I cannot verify it as my account has been gently disabled...
However it seems that ivanleo didn't like my CLOSING session because some of the bugs were not "fixed". Can someone tell me how a bug can be not fixed and marked as resolved-fixed (see my query) ?
The discussion on IRC took place at a time when there were many of you (vitamin, Thunderbird, kbln, infyquest, _Marcus_, tlambregts, cmorgan and so on) and nobody seemed to think it would be a bad idea to close bugs that were fixed before the latest release came out.
Thanks for clarifying the situation.
Hi, Yesterday there was a session indeed but there was misunderstanding regarding the bug status, ie, RESOLVED LATER, RESOLVED CLOSED, VERIFIED, etc. It would be better if we could put some details regarding the bug status on the bugzilla or FAQ pages, as there are some differences in the explanation of these. I am used to a different bug management app (ClearDDTS) where there are only 4-5 states a bug can have.(NEW,ASSIGNED,OPEN,RESOLVED,VERIFIED) Sorry, i caused any misunderstanding.
bye, Vijay (infyquest)
On 10/27/05, Jonathan Ernst Jonathan@ernstfamily.ch wrote:
Yesterday, after having manually closed some old fixed bugs, I discussed with infyquest and tlambregts on irc and tlambregts told us that instead of manually closing the bugs, bugzilla had a "change several bugs at once function"
It was then discussed that bugs that are FIXED and where resolution is not LATER or DUPLICATE or REMIND should be marked CLOSED as the fixes have been integrated in an official release (namely 0.9).
FYI the CLOSED status means: The bug is considered dead, the resolution is correct. Any zombie bugs who choose to walk the earth again must do so by becoming REOPENED.
Unfortunately bugzilla doesn't allow to close bugs directly from their fixed state so you have to verify them before and thus it will send two mails for each bug closed. I don't think it was possible to turn off change notification at that time (tlambregts even told me that the two spam bugs were normal because of the way bugzilla works) but I cannot verify it as my account has been gently disabled...
However it seems that ivanleo didn't like my CLOSING session because some of the bugs were not "fixed". Can someone tell me how a bug can be not fixed and marked as resolved-fixed (see my query) ?
The discussion on IRC took place at a time when there were many of you (vitamin, Thunderbird, kbln, infyquest, _Marcus_, tlambregts, cmorgan and so on) and nobody seemed to think it would be a bad idea to close bugs that were fixed before the latest release came out.
Thanks for clarifying the situation.
Jonathan Ernst Jonathan@ErnstFamily.ch
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Le jeudi 27 octobre 2005 à 14:56 +0530, Vijay Kiran Kamuju a écrit :
Hi, Yesterday there was a session indeed but there was misunderstanding regarding the bug status, ie, RESOLVED LATER, RESOLVED CLOSED, VERIFIED, etc. It would be better if we could put some details regarding the bug status on the bugzilla or FAQ pages, as there are some differences in the explanation of these. I am used to a different bug management app (ClearDDTS) where there are only 4-5 states a bug can have.(NEW,ASSIGNED,OPEN,RESOLVED,VERIFIED) Sorry, i caused any misunderstanding.
The bug status explanation are on this page: http://bugs.winehq.org/bug_status.html (you can get here by clicking on the "status" link in any bug page).
If their meaning is not clear enough, I think the changes you suggest should be made here.
Well i think it should be like this The verified bugs may/not (je ne pas) be re-opened and only resolved bugs can be re-opened. And closed state is equivalent verified state. And Verified state does not have all the sub states like LATER, CLOSED,...
bye, Vijay On 10/27/05, Jonathan Ernst Jonathan@ernstfamily.ch wrote:
Le jeudi 27 octobre 2005 à 14:56 +0530, Vijay Kiran Kamuju a écrit :
Hi, Yesterday there was a session indeed but there was misunderstanding regarding the bug status, ie, RESOLVED LATER, RESOLVED CLOSED, VERIFIED, etc. It would be better if we could put some details regarding the bug status on the bugzilla or FAQ pages, as there are some differences in the explanation of these. I am used to a different bug management app (ClearDDTS) where there are only 4-5 states a bug can have.(NEW,ASSIGNED,OPEN,RESOLVED,VERIFIED) Sorry, i caused any misunderstanding.
The bug status explanation are on this page: http://bugs.winehq.org/bug_status.html (you can get here by clicking on the "status" link in any bug page).
If their meaning is not clear enough, I think the changes you suggest should be made here.