------- Additional Comments From 2007-22-06 12:31 ------- I think I found the cause. I think there is a regression in dsound or quartz that prevents Wine from playing sound at 48 KHz (both ALSA and OSS are affected, so I think it is not an audio driver bug). The supplied test file has an audio soundtrack with that sampling rate, and so it fails. Confirmed with other files with sample rates at 48KHz, irrespective of video codec. They are also muted, and because there is no implementation of reference clock in builtin quartz, video output eventually freezes. My suspicion is that builtin quartz sends samples at 48KHz, and also sends a truckload of frames to the video renderer, and then waits for both to finish before sending the next batch. The sound renderer never plays, because of the bug. Filter graph then waits forever for sound that never plays --> video freezes.
In an unrelated bug, I am experiencing failing assertions in dlls/dsound/tests with WINEDEBUG_INTERACTIVE=1 wine dsound . This happens even before reaching the part when 48KHz playback is tested. Both ALSA and OSS are affected. This second problem prevents me from deciding whether this bug is wine-quartz or wine-directx-dsound .