------- Additional Comments From 2005-01-10 00:48 ------- The user can always choose to run more than one different wine version, albeit with a little difficulty in setup, but the Wine project will not support old versions. Even though we're coming close to a stable release, .9, Wine is still alpha right now. That means there are going to be lots of bugs. We planned the WM rewrite knowing that lots of apps would stop working as a consequence; that's just the result of an evolving code base such as Wine. Promoting users to use older versions of wine until specific apps start working again is not a good solution. New features wouldn't be tested, and regressions wouldn't be caught. The term "the last-known-good version of Wine" is relative to each user's experience. My last-known-good version of Wine is today's CVS. Most distribution packagers aren't going to provide old versions of Wine, and if you happened to have a bug with an old version, the developers wouldn't be able to help you out (the bug was probably fixed already). Bottom line is that we don't encourage the use of old Wine versions, but do highly encourage testing the newest releses.