--- Comment #319 from James Huk 2010-03-01 10:30:00 --- @Darryl Pogue:
I just tried your patch and it doesn't seem to work - I mean wine 1.1.39 compiles Ok, but then trying to use DIB results in:
winecfg err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine err:driver:Load_Dib_Driver Couldn't load DIB Engine
any ideas why?
I compiled it like this:
1.Downloaded and extracted vanilla wine-1.1.39 and zip file you attached. 2.Then I applied patches like this:
patch -p1 <dib-engine-hook-the-engine-bet.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-initial-pass-throug.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-fork-ddb-dib-behavi.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-implement-most-engi.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-implement-alphablen.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-add-clipping-on-xxx.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-implement-polygon.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-fixes-clipping-text.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-fixes-against-wine-.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-introduction-of-bit.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-fix-mapmodes-for-xx.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-fix-color-in-antial.patch patch -p1 <dib-engine-dont-use-now-missin.patch
3.Then: ./configure && make depend && make