--- Comment #22 from Rich Williamson 2008-03-03 12:35:10 --- I have more information. It appears coure.fon doesn't work. Replacing vgasys.fon with coure.fon made things appear to work however it turns out that overwriting the current font makes the application default the font to whatever font is first in the list (Bitstream Vera Sans TTF).
Through more testing I have found that all non-TTF wine fonts do not display on CentOS 5 (Courier, MS Sans Serif, Small Fonts, and System). They will display if they are replaced with the .FON files from Windows 2000. Perhaps this is an issue with the font file format wine uses for non-TTF fonts ? Maybe there are differences between TTF and non-TTF file formats ? I wonder this because (A) TTF fonts work, and (B) the non-TTF fonts work when replaced with Windows font files.