--- Comment #11 from Sergey Bychkow --- This problem is really important, it breaks user experience. Sometimes a user can't access underlying window at all.
I have attached simple test case to see a problem.
When user clicks on hint then button should be clicked, but it doesn't.
// file TestHintWindow.lpr
program TestHintWindow;
// Commandline: // C:\lazarus\fpc\3.2.0\bin\x86_64-win64\fpc.exe -WG -Pi386 -FuC:\lazarus\lcl\units\i386-win32\win32 -FuC:\lazarus\lcl\units\i386-win32 -FuC:\lazarus\components\lazutils\lib\i386-win32 TestHintWindow.lpr
uses Interfaces, Forms, StdCtrls;
var aForm: TForm; aButton: TButton; begin Application.Initialize; Application.HintHidePause := 20000; Application.CreateForm(TForm, aForm); aButton := TButton.Create(aForm); aButton.Caption := 'Button'; aButton.Hint := 'Button'; aButton.Parent := aForm; aButton.ShowHint := True; aButton.ClientHeight := 64; aButton.Left := (aForm.ClientWidth - aButton.Width) div 2; aButton.Top := (aForm.ClientHeight - aButton.Height) div 2; Application.Run; end.