------- Additional Comments From 2007-05-06 15:56 ------- Hello,
the exception (access violation) is actually a bug in explorer-style file dialog support in wine. The application hooks open/save file dialog procedures and in order to customize them.
When GetOpenFileName(A) is called and the original FileOpenDlgProc95 dialog proc receives the WM_INITDIALOG message, it calls CreateTemplateDialog() which sets up necessary stuff. Within CreateTemplateDialog(), the client hook procedure is called (CreateDialogIndirectParamA). The application hook explicitly searches for "toolbarwindow32" controls in order to modify them - but it doesnt expect that these controls do not exist (yet).
--- snip dlls/comdlg32/filedlg.c --- INT_PTR CALLBACK FileOpenDlgProc95(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ... switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { FileOpenDlgInfos * fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *)lParam;
/* Adds the FileOpenDlgInfos in the property list of the dialog so it will be easily accessible through a GetPropA(...) */ SetPropA(hwnd, FileOpenDlgInfosStr, (HANDLE) fodInfos);
fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndCustomDlg = CreateTemplateDialog((FileOpenDlgInfos *)lParam, hwnd);
FILEDLG95_InitControls(hwnd); if (fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndCustomDlg)
... --- snip dlls/comdlg32/filedlg.c ---
"FILEDLG95_InitControls(hwnd)" which creates child controls is called too late. Child controls must be created before the client hook procedure is executed (within CreateTemplateDialog) to give the client a chance to access/modify them.
By moving control creation before template dialog creation it goes further.
--- snip dlls/comdlg32/filedlg-new.c --- switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { FileOpenDlgInfos * fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *)lParam;
/* Adds the FileOpenDlgInfos in the property list of the dialog so it will be easily accessible through a GetPropA(...) */ SetPropA(hwnd, FileOpenDlgInfosStr, (HANDLE) fodInfos);
fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndCustomDlg = CreateTemplateDialog((FileOpenDlgInfos *)lParam, hwnd);
if (fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndCustomDlg) .. --- snip dlls/comdlg32/filedlg-new.c ---
It later crashes here:
--- snip dlls/comdlg32/filedlg.c --- static BOOL FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, WORD wNotifyCode) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr);
/* Refresh the actual view to display the included items*/ IShellView_Refresh(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView); <-- *boom* } } return FALSE; } --- snip dlls/comdlg32/filedlg.c ---
"fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView" is NULL at this point. That should be taken into account.
--- snip dlls/comdlg32/filedlg-new.c --- .. /* Refresh the actual view to display the included items*/ if( fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView) IShellView_Refresh(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView); ... --- snip dlls/comdlg32/filedlg-new.c ---
With both patches the application "open"/"save"/"save as" dialogs display fine.