------- Additional Comments From 2006-08-02 04:18 ------- Simplest is i guess using git:
I'll try to summarize the page a bit as it contains _a_ lot of info: 1. get git from 2. Unpack it and do make && make install (no configure needed) 3. It installs in ~/bin so if necessary add that to your PATH: export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
4. Do: git clone wine-git cd ~/bin/wine-git 5. Do: git-bisect start git-bisect good wine-20041019 git-bisect bad wine-20041201
6. ./configure && make depend && make
7. Run the app ./wine "c:\test.exe" (Do not forget the heading "./" before the wine command!!! (as i did, and i was starting my newest wine version...))
8.if the app is ok: git-bisect good if not: git-bisect bad
9. Back to step 6 and keep repeating this until you found the patch
Hope it's of any help to you...