------- Additional Comments From 2007-04-06 20:40 ------- This still occurs in 0.9.38. As described earlier, the keyboard is utterly powerless, but it is possible to log in through SSH and reboot the system. Killing the CNC3 processes through SSH does not free the screen.
To work around this bug, it is possible to edit the configuration file manually with a text editor.
The file to edit is /home/foo/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/foo/Application\ Data/Command\ &\ Conquer\ 3\ Tiberium\ Wars/Profiles/bar/Options.ini
where foo is your *nix login, and bar is the name of the profile you created in CNC3.
I've found that there isn't a necessary connection between setting the resolution equal to your X server's default resolution after all - some resolution changes cause the crash, others don't. Increasing the resolution is more likely to crash than decreasing it.