------- Additional Comments From 2006-15-02 05:05 ------- OK, I'll change the fix to orphan the stream rather than delete it. The point is, though is this: a badly-written app surely would not try to access the stream after it had called the destructor for the storage object? If this is the case, then deleting the stream will stop the memory leak. However, it looks from your test that Windows does _not_ delete the stream and thus itself leaks memory. I thought I had tested this earlier and found that Windows did delete the streams, but I have just checked my notes and it turned out I was thinking of a different issue.
That fixes one of the bugs, I'll sort out the patch and submit it. However, what do you think the best way to handle the other issue (mismatch in grfMode of opened stream to the grfMode of the storage object)? A test for this was in my earlier conformance test patch: this following code works on Windows:
r = StgOpenStorage( filename, NULL, 0x00010020, NULL, 0, &stg); ok(r==S_OK, "StgOpenStorage failed\n"); if(stg) { static const WCHAR stmname[] = { 'w','i','n','e','t','e','s','t',0}; IStream *stm = NULL;
r = IStorage_OpenStream( stg, stmname, 0, STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE|STGM_READWRITE, 0, &stm ); ok(r == S_OK, "OpenStream should succeed - "); printf("rc from OpenStream : %lx\n",r);
r = IStorage_Release(stg); ok(r == 0, "wrong ref count\n"); }
It does not make sense that one can open a stream STGM_READWRITE within an object opened with STGM_READ, but you can on Windows! Should we just remove the grfMode access flag test from the OpenStream code (as I have done temporarily just to get the app running)? I will do some testing on Windows to see if I can identify the access mode flag combinations that succeed and fail, but is there any knowledge about this problem anywhere else?