------- Additional Comments From 2007-12-06 07:16 ------- I didn't read the whole comments, but the hack Phil Costin posted also fixes cs source. You have to watch out for the spelling of the CSD font, I think it is "Csd" or "CSd". We are using that hack in Crossover 6.1, and it seems to work fine(no more reports of crashing cs source, running in winver win2k). If in doubt about the spelling add an ERR which prints the font name.
There are other fonts which are problematic too. Basically HL2 / CSS needs the whole set of original windows fonts. Simmilarly looking replacements do not work because they may be bigger. Crossover 6.1 installs the whole ms core fonts set into the bottle. CSS and HL2 will still crash if you start it directly without installing it either via crossover, or running it from a bottle with the corefonts package installed.