Summary: Patch renders "Runaway - A road adventure" unplayable Product: Wine Version: 0.9.38. Platform: PC OS/Version: Linux Status: UNCONFIRMED Severity: normal Priority: P2 Component: wine-directx-d3d AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
Runaway's graphics was fine until 0.9.31 when this patch broke it: -- f5f501d5735c552dc5082e4eabf7ac4c9afa3ebe is first bad commit commit f5f501d5735c552dc5082e4eabf7ac4c9afa3ebe Author: Stefan Dösinger Date: Mon Feb 12 19:22:41 2007 +0100
wined3d: Use the context manager to create onscreen contexts.
:040000 040000 ae034522fc0a0017e58397f56bdc02042de92452 f6a69be937f1869b560585ff766fd09f44f0a500 M dlls -- (git regression test) The result is that no graphics at all is drawn. What is display is uninitialized memory of the last frame of the previous played game. Sound is played on as normal.
I'm running kubuntu 7.04 and using ATI properitery drivers 8.34.8 and 7.2.0