------- Additional Comments From 2007-08-06 15:10 ------- I think I've found the bug(at least EU2 starts again with a hack). EU2 makes some assumptions about the surface alignment, which is nowhere documented. In DirectDraw surface lines in memory have a size that is a multiple of 8(QWORD alignment), but wined3d uses multiples of 4, like Windows' d3d9 (DWORD-Alignment).
EU2 creates a 16 bit 129x1190 surface. With QWORD alignment this surface has a pitch(line length) of 2384 bytes, which results in a total size of 307.536 bytes. With DWORD alignment the pitch is 2380 bytes, total size 307020 bytes. EU2 writes the full QWORD-Aligned size, thus crashes after 307200 bytes(300 kb, at the end of the last page).
I'll make a patch for that