Summary: Mass Effect 2 Installer hang (and then crash) during PhysX install Product: Wine Version: 1.2-rc2 Platform: x86 OS/Version: Linux Status: UNCONFIRMED Severity: normal Priority: P2 Component: -unknown AssignedTo: ReportedBy: CC:
Installing Mass Effect 2 from dvd works, but there's an annoying hang at the end:
err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x710de7e4 "loader.c: loader_section" wait timed out in thread 001c, blocked by 001f, retrying (60 sec)
(which looks like bug 22091. dup?) followed eventually by
Unhandled exception: wait failed on critical section 0x710de7e4 loader_section err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000194 flags 0 addr 0x7106f61d
Since this is a deadlock, we tried getting backtraces from the two involved threads with winedbg's bt all command:
Backtracing for thread 001f in process 001b (Temp\MassEffect2Temp\Installer.exe): Backtrace: =>0 RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0x2fd(crit=0x83dc0c) dlls/ntdll/critsection.c:64] 1 NTDLL_wait_for_multiple_objects+0x252(count=0x0002, handles=0x83dd58, flags=0x0004, timeout=(nil), signal_object=0x0(nil)) dlls/ntdll/sync.c:1124] 2 NtWaitForMultipleObjects+0x62(count=0x0010, handles=0x83dd58, wait_all=0, alertable=0, timeout=(nil)) dlls/ntdll/sync.c:1162] 3 WaitForMultipleObjectsEx+0xf5(count=0x0002, handles=0xa43e50, wait_all=?, timeout=0xffffffff, alertable=?) dlls/kernel32/sync.c:191] 4 WaitForMultipleObjects+0x39(count=0x0002, handles=0xa43e50, wait_all=0, timeout=0xffffffff) dlls/kernel32/sync.c:148] 5 call_entry_point+0x1f() in ntdll
Backtracing for thread 001c in process 001b (Temp\MassEffect2Temp\Installer.exe): Backtrace: =>0 RtlpWaitForCriticalSection+0x2fd(crit=0x710de7e4) dlls/ntdll/critsection.c:64] 1 RtlEnterCriticalSection+0x44(crit=0x710de7e4) dlls/ntdll/critsection.c:553] 2 LdrGetDllHandle+0x2a(load_path=0x0(nil), flags=0, name=0x33f2fc, base=0x33f30c) dlls/ntdll/loader.c:2052] 3 GetModuleHandleExW+0x92(flags=0x0002, name="Temp\nst91d.tmp\nsisUnRar2.dll", module=0x33f34c) dlls/kernel32/module.c:527] 4 GetModuleHandleW+0x2b(module="Temp\nst91d.tmp\nsisUnRar2.dll") dlls/kernel32/module.c:576] 5 get_hook_proc+0x21(proc=0x564b0, module="Temp\nst91d.tmp\nsisUnRar2.dll") dlls/user32/hook.c:321] 6 call_hook+0xca(info=0x33f4bc, code=?, wparam=0x0001, lparam=0x33fbc4) dlls/user32/hook.c:374] 7 HOOK_CallHooks+0x12a(id=0x0003, code=0, wparam=0x0001, lparam=0x33fbc4, unicode=0x0001) dlls/user32/hook.c:444] 8 peek_message+0x42e(msg=?, hwnd=?, first=0, last=0xffffffff, flags=0x4ff0001, changed_mask=0x04ff) dlls/user32/message.c:2769] 9 GetMessageW+0xc7(msg=0x33fbc4, hwnd=(nil), first=0, last=0) dlls/user32/message.c:3512] 10 DIALOG_DoDialogBox+0xe0(hwnd=0x40030, owner=(nil)) dlls/user32/dialog.c:808] 11 DialogBoxParamA+0x98(hInst=0x400000, name=*** invalid address 0x69 ***, owner=(nil), dlgProc=0x403814, param=0) dlls/user32/dialog.c:846]
Not sure what to do next. Anyone want a log?
--- Comment #1 from Jeff Zaroyko 2010-05-28 20:50:52 --- Please attach terminal output as a text file.
--- Comment #2 from Dan Kegel 2010-05-29 12:24:55 --- Nah, what he posted was ok because it was very carefully trimmed to just the key parts (though if it were any longer, I might agree with you). It's important to have the key bits not as an attachment because attachments can't be searched. His only mistake was that he didn't notice the text was badly wrapped, he should have fixed that before submitting.
--- Comment #3 from Nikolay Sivov 2010-05-29 13:13:12 --- (In reply to comment #2)
It's important to have the key bits not as an attachment because attachments can't be searched.
I'm not sure what you mean. Attachment data could be searched too from Bugzilla Search page.
--- Comment #4 from Dan Kegel 2010-05-29 15:25:29 --- Not many people know about that, and it's kind of hard to use.
Really, the reason for the rule of "no logs in bugs" is to avoid having bugs that are hard to read and scroll through. I'm pretty sure this particular bug doesn't have that problem.
Xavier Vachon changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CC| |
--- Comment #5 from Xavier Vachon 2010-12-30 14:33:35 CST --- EG Galano, is this still an issue in git? (1.3.10)
--- Comment #6 from Dan Kegel 2011-01-03 07:07:51 CST --- Is this a dup of bug 22091? See
Austin English changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|UNCONFIRMED |RESOLVED Resolution| |DUPLICATE
--- Comment #7 from Austin English 2011-01-03 12:30:34 CST --- Yes, dupe.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 22091 ***
Austin English changed:
What |Removed |Added ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Status|RESOLVED |CLOSED
--- Comment #8 from Austin English 2011-01-03 12:31:02 CST --- Closing.