------- Additional Comments From 2004-18-09 05:06 ------- with 1.7 version and wine 20040914, could not run for the first time
wine hanged
here is the log: ---------------- [j@localhost tmp]$ wine mozilla-win32-1.7.2-frFR-installer.exe Converted temp dir to new entry HKCU\Environment "TEMP" = L"e:\" Converted path dir to new entry HKCU\Environment "PATH" = L"c:\windows;c:\windows\system;e:\" Converted profile dir to new entry HKCU\Environment "USERPROFILE" = L"c:\windows\Profiles\Administrator" Converted windows dir to new entry HKCU\Environment "windir" = L"c:\windows" Converted system dir to new entry HKCU\Environment "winsysdir" = L"c:\windows\system" fixme:exec:ShellExecuteExW32 flags ignored: 0x00000340 fixme:exec:ShellExecuteExW32 flags ignored: 0x00000340 fixme:shell:Stream_WriteLocationInfo writing empty location info err:menubuilder:fork_and_wait wineshelllink returned 1 err:menubuilder:InvokeShellLinker failed to fork and exec wineshelllink fixme:shell:Stream_WriteLocationInfo writing empty location info err:menubuilder:fork_and_wait wineshelllink returned 1 err:menubuilder:InvokeShellLinker failed to fork and exec wineshelllink fixme:shell:Stream_WriteLocationInfo writing empty location info fixme:shell:Stream_WriteLocationInfo writing empty location info fixme:shell:Stream_WriteLocationInfo writing empty location info err:menubuilder:fork_and_wait wineshelllink returned 1 err:menubuilder:InvokeShellLinker failed to fork and exec wineshelllink err:menubuilder:WinMain failed to build menu item for c:\windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla\Readme.lnk fixme:shell:Stream_WriteLocationInfo writing empty location info err:menubuilder:WinMain failed to build menu item for c:\windows\Start Menu\Programs\Mozilla\License.lnk fixme:exec:ShellExecuteExW32 flags ignored: 0x00000340 [j@localhost tmp]$ fixme:ole:CoCreateInstance no classfactory created for CLSID {4955dd33-b159-11d0-8fcf-00aa006bcc59}, hres is 0x80040154
[j@localhost tmp]$ [j@localhost tmp]$ killall wine-preloader [j@localhost tmp]$ killall wineserver [j@localhost tmp]$ killall -KILL wine-preloader wineserver wineserver: aucun processus tué [j@localhost tmp]$