I have made some steps and it helped me a bit: Wine already does run!
The most important thing is that I have configured Wine to run with a fake partition.
But there are a few more problems left.
1) What's the reason that under KDE 2.0.0 & 2.0.1 Wine worked perfectly on a real FAT32 partition but now it doesn't (KDE 3.0.0)?
2) It works on the fake partition. I have made symlinks from my WinME system dll's to the fake /Windows/System directory. Is it a good way?
3) I can't run a program that uses soundcard. It can happen because Winecheck said this:
--------------------- checking system devices used by Wine --------------------- 031. Checking sound device /dev/dsp... CRITICAL (no kernel driver for /dev/dsp?). - ADVICE: module loading problems ? Read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/modules.txt.
But I have no such doc file / directory on my distribution... where can I get / do I have it? What does this mean? How to tell Wine where I have the soundcard device? The sound works in my KDE. - I have also found a /dev/dsp1 file - isn't this the real sound device -- maybe "dsp" only is required by default by wine??
4) How can I change the appearance of Windows in Wine (e. g. fonts, colors of menus)? Do I have to edit the registry on the fake drive?
Pavel Reznicek