--- Comment #225 from Chad Sikorra 2012-02-09 20:22:39 CST --- (In reply to comment #224)
Unfortunately this bug seems to exist still, at least as of wine-1.4-rc2. It basically makes the game unplayable for me because the crashing is so random and frequent.
I tried the HUD modification as a possible work around but it causes the fonts on the scoreboard (when you press tab in-game) to be invisible. Perhaps it relies on a font I don't have? I did install the MS core fonts, so not sure what's going on there.
Hate to add more noise, but I fixed my own issue. Not sure if this will cause issues again with crashing, but the HUD mod needs a fairly large section added to make the scoreboard visible.
Not sure how to make this consistent with the one already added as an attachment here. Perhaps someone that knows what they're supposed to be looking at can tell us. So far it seems to work fine with the additions from the link above.