--- Comment #7 from Stefan Dösinger 2008-03-14 15:31:50 --- 0 hz update frequency means default or selection what the OS prefers. The interesting thing here is the @24. Since a few wine revisions Wine only advertises and accepts 8, 16 and 32 bpp, like every video card on Windows that is newer than 10 years does. We do not accept 24 bpp any longer. This was needed to clean up the 24 vs 32 bpp mess, and it seems that no Windows card supports both 24 and 32 bpp.
To add to this confusion, 24 bpp and 32 bpp are the same, except that 32 bpp has 8 unused bits which are used for alignment padding so the GPU can access the memory much faster. For 3D games this can be used as alpha information. X11 only advertises bit depth 24, it swallows the 8 unused channels, even though the driver internally works in 32 bpp mode and has support for framebuffer alpha.
Could it be that the game has some outdated settings stored from old Wine versions?