--- Comment #26 from Henrik Danielsson 2008-04-10 02:35:17 --- (In reply to comment #24)
You didn't really upset me, so no need to appologize there. I really appreciate you, and everyone else, actually taking time to do something about this, no matter where the problem is. To not drag this even more off topic, I'll get to the point:
I mentioned I have two screens before, some time ago I had disconnected one of my screens and went back to a regular setup (single monitor at 1280x1024 instead of 3600x1200 stretched across two, using the nvidia gfx tool and virtual resolutions). The thing is that when I had done this and bootet up, µTorrent sat there nicely in the systray and minimize/maximize both to systray and normal "programs list" worked fine! Behaviour was concistent after reboots and ending/starting µT as well, until I hooked up another screen again and µT got buggy again. This was with version 1.7.7 of µTorrent and 0.9.57 of wine I think. (Don't remember exactly cause I was only using that setup for about a week while back home at my parents' place.)
Yes these are the exact same .exe files and config files used under XP, Vista and Ubuntu (folder symlinked), ranging from wine 1.7.4 to 1.7.7. Also tested briefly with 1.8 alpha, which seemed to work better, but I had to remove it fast or get banned from trackers. :(
I'm not definatley sure this is a regression in Wine, but I think it might be unwise to close this discussion before it's been determined what the cause really is.
Sorry for not being able to give more detailed info about this, or running a regression test yet, but I simply don't have the time. :(