------- Additional Comments From 2007-16-06 16:59 ------- If you create a directory and put files into it both with and without extension, you can filter by those with no extension with 'dir *.' - Under windows it works fine, under wine it doesnt - it shows all files. (I debugged through as far as findfirst/findnext, then raised the bug to reference it as I have more than enough cmd.exe development work on my plate at the moment)
Similarly there are other pattern matching problems, and I havent looked to see if these are cause by findfirst/findnext (I am guessing they are), but I'll list them here for reference for when this bug is debugged - In windows, 'dir ???' lists all entries up to 3 characters in length which do not have a '.' in them. In wine if shows entries of exactly 3 entries and even includes ones with a . (eg. 'a.a')