------- Additional Comments From 2007-02-06 07:37 ------- Hello,
--- quote --- Not an msi bug. --- quote ---
ok, this statement convinced me to debug this one on windows too :-)
- full msi logging/debug verbosity enabled (msi installer policy: "Logging"="voicewarmup", "Debug=0x3") - MsiBreak "UninstallPrinter"
Windows MSI breaks upon this custom action in same helper dll, so this action is executed on windows too.
--- snip windows msi log --- .. MSI (s) (DC:E4) [13:05:41:859]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=UninstallPrinter,,) Action 13:05:41: UninstallPrinter. MSI (s) (DC:E4) [13:05:41:859]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=UninstallPrinter,ActionType=3137,Source=BinaryData,Target=DeleteDistillerPrinter,) MSI (s) (DC:E4) [13:05:41:859]: Creating MSIHANDLE (827) of type 790536 for thread 2276 MSI (s) (DC:8C) [13:05:41:859]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI191.tmp, Entrypoint: DeleteDistillerPrinter MSI (s) (DC:04) [13:05:41:859]: Generating random cookie. MSI (s) (DC:04) [13:05:41:875]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 2416 (0x970). MSI (s) (DC:CC) [13:05:41:906]: Running as a service. MSI (s) (DC:88) [13:05:41:921]: Hello, I'm your 32bit Elevated custom action server. MSI (s) (DC:8C) [13:05:42:078]: Closing MSIHANDLE (827) of type 790536 for thread 2276 .. --- snip windows msi log ---
It produces same access violation exception due to buggy custom action dll code (see my comment #3 for explanation) - but it doesnt crash the custom action server itself.
The installer service employs additional "security" measures to guard against "rogue" action code. It checks for stack corruption upon return of custom msi action call (debugprints "Possible stack corruption. Custom action may not be declared __stdcall." in that case). But this measure only applies if the top level custom action was declared wrong. It can never detect/repair any stdcall/cdecl misuse within the custom action code itself (like in this case due to messed up return stack after "DeletePrinterDriverExA").
The second measure is an structured exception handler, set by MSI which catches access violations produced by rogue custom action code. This allows to recover without crashing the whole custom action server instance.
If adobe devs had done MsiBreak="UninstallPrinter" they would see the same crash on their crappy code, regardless if windows or wine.
The file which contains the <censored for mild profanity> code (temporarily extracted from installer):
temp name: msiXXXX.tmp real name: Adobeisf.dll size: 53.248 bytes version resource comment: "Installer utility file"