------- Additional Comments From 2004-25-06 20:00 ------- As posted to wine-devel:
After sucking it up and realizing I'd have to learn how to navigate winedbg, I started playing around with the Galactic Civilizations unhandled exception. Some documentation and a few trips through winedbg later, it appears that Gal Civ is throwing a divide-by-zero -----------<snip>--------------- First chance exception: divide by zero in 32-bit code (0x40f2cda8) -----------<snip>---------------
I did a 'bt' next: -----------<snip>--------------- =>1 0x40f2cda8 send_mouse_event+0xc8(hwnd=0x10024, flags=0x8001, posX=0x1fb0000, posY=0x1df, data=0x0, time=0xef3d) [mouse.c:135] in x11drv (0x406cfbb0) 2 0x40f2e010 X11DRV_MotionNotify+0x60(hwnd=0x10024, event=0x406cfc4c) [mouse.c:613] in x11drv (0x406cfbdc) 3 0x40f24e90 .L79+0xa in x11drv (0x406cfc3c) ... stuff ... -----------<snip>---------------
and then did an 'info local' and got: -----------<snip>--------------- send_mouse_event: struct HWND__* hwnd = 0x00010024 (parameter) long unsigned int flags = 0x00008001 (parameter) long unsigned int posX = 0x01fb0000 (parameter) long unsigned int posY = 0x000001df (parameter) long unsigned int data = 0x00000000 (parameter) long unsigned int time = 0x0000ef3d (parameter) unsigned int state = 0x0000004c (local in register ECX) unsigned int state = 0x0000004c (local in register ECX) struct HWND__* hwnd = 0x01faffff (local in register EAX) long unsigned int data = 0x01faffff (local in register EAX) long unsigned int time = 0x0000ef3d (local in register EDI) struct tagINPUT input = 0x40f61028 (local) int width = 0x00000000 (local in register ESI) int height = 0x00000000 (local) -----------<snip>---------------
After digging around in dlls/x11drv/mouse.c (see the bt output), I found: -----------<snip>--------------- int width = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CXSCREEN ); int height = GetSystemMetrics( SM_CYSCREEN ); /* Relative mouse movements seem not to be scaled as absolute ones */ posX = (((long)posX << 16) + width-1) / width; posY = (((long)posY << 16) + height-1) / height; -----------<snip>---------------
The posX and poxY calculations are the only divides in the send_mouse_event function (pointed to by the bt as the stack location when the divide-by-zero occurred). The 'info local' confirms that width and height are indeed 0. My problem is that I do not think GetSystemMetrics should be returning 0. The display is quite chorked up by the time the unhandled exception occurs, so I'm pretty sure something bad has already happened; I just don't know what.