Vitaliy Margolen changed:
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Paul "TBBle" Hampson changed:
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Christoph Korn changed:
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chaykin changed:
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Adrian Lüthi changed:
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dlzerocool changed:
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Stephane Mikaty changed:
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Casey Jones changed:
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Dennis Schridde changed:
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Lars Blomqvist changed:
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Vitaliy Margolen changed:
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Alessandro Pedarra changed:
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sheen changed:
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Danila Sentiabov changed:
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--- Comment #234 from Vitaliy Margolen 2009-03-20 10:45:03 --- *** Bug 17801 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
--- Comment #235 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2009-03-22 10:05:43 --- XInput2 is starting to firm up ( via Phoronix) so it might be a good time to investigate a preliminary XInput2-based solution to this bug, and ensure that the XInput2 API is sufficient (while it's still malleable enough to fix) to cover the requirements.
As I understand it, the issue here is that when dinput is being used to capture the mouse exclusively (ie. using DirectInput's Acquire with DISCL_EXCLUSIVE and hence DISCL_FOREGROUND) no other X events should be sent for that mouse, and the cursor's position should no longer affect anything that happens (ie the cursor becomes uninteresting and invisible, and all mouse events are sent back via directinput) which includes not changing focus to other windows, and this state needs to be cleared when focus is lost.
If DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE is used, then the application needs to be able to start reading events from the mouse either at any time (DISCL_BACKGROUND) or only when it has focus (DISCL_FOREGROUND) but in this case the cursor remains tied to the mouse (unless something else has it acquired with DISCL_EXCLUSIVE) and free to move about the screen.
I'm not sure from reading this bug if it also covers programs that capture the mouse using ClipCursor, I take it from comment 67 that XGrabPointer is already used to cover this method, as programs using this do not expect to receive movement events from the cursor that would take it outside the clip rectangle.
On initial consideration, it seems to me that this interface should be exported from winex11.drv (and alternative display/input drivers) for use by dinput.dll. (briefly) documents a sample program in the DirectX SDK which exercises the various modes of using the mouse under DirectInput.
--- Comment #236 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2009-03-22 11:26:38 --- (In reply to comment #235)
I'm not sure from reading this bug if it also covers programs that capture the mouse using ClipCursor, I take it from comment 67 that XGrabPointer is already used to cover this method, as programs using this do not expect to receive movement events from the cursor that would take it outside the clip rectangle.
On looking at the actual code, this is not how ClipCursor currently works. Currently, it just keeps track of the rectangle requested, and if we receive a mouse move event that would take us outside that window, we reset our cusor position (but not the X mouse position or the position reported in the WM_MOUSEMOVE event). This seems to me to have three problems. We don't actually lock the mouse within the requested rectangle, if we don't see the mouse event we can't even clip the cursor (but in that case the cursor wouldn't move anyway) and we report a possibly-unexpected position (outside the clip) in WM_MOUSEMOUSE, which doesn't match our cursor position.
I'm not sure that last one is actually incorrect -- from the ClipCursor MSDN page and my recollections of its behaviour, other applications can override your ClipCursor at any time, and do not have to be in the foreground to do so. MSDN says they musn't, though... So in theory any application which relies on being able to do so is incorrect, but conversely no application can rely on its mouse input actually being limited to where its ClipCursor is set.
The problem with using XGrabPointer for this (which is what attachment 11735 from comment 82 appears to be doing) is that (as far as I understand from the manpage, I haven't tried this) it also affects what windows actually receive X11 events, which isn't actually true of ClipCursor, although it will produce the correct results for the general use-case of a Win32 program calling ClipCusor with its own window rectangle or client-area rectangle.
Anyway, if ClipCursor does have any issues, it probably should be addressed in a seperate bug, or this bug just gets too conflated.
--- Comment #237 from Peter Kovacs 2009-03-26 16:20:23 ---
From what I understand the main Problem is that we only have absolute position
on the mouse, but for the Game interface we need vector oriented presentation. Right? So I started to look for a way to get Vectored Events from X. I stumbled across XTrap. They talk of Vectorevents ... Cant we make use of that? Sorry if I get the issue wrong. I am quite unskilled in C/C++ and have no Idea of X. I just researched a bit and read stuff that could help. (I did not even ask anyone :P ) So for me this is a shot into the Blue.
Excerpt from
Event Vectoring In recording X protocol either for performance measurements or record/playback functionality, it often becomes necessary to capture more than just the core input events (Keyboard & Pointer). Further, it’s often critical to capture events before the determination is made by the server to not deliver the event. Of course, this could be done by a client by configuring "interest" for all events in all windows (includ- ing the root); however, the overhead associated with keeping track of the entire server’s volatile win- dow hierarchy is typically too expensive (especially for performance monitoring clients). As discussed earlier in this document, a ProcVector approach was implemented in X11 for all requests and byte-swapped events. One can only deduce that normal events weren’t vectored for performance reasons. With this in mind and the requirement to capture all events before the server drops any on the floor, the following are excerpts of experimental changes to events.c and devices.c to facilitate event vectoring
Hope it helps! Peter
--- Comment #238 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2009-03-27 08:21:32 --- I don't think XTrap is compiled into Xservers normally... In fact, a quick browse through the git repo suggests it might not actually be implemented in Xorg, though the headers, library and protocol repositories are there.
So I might be looking in the wrong place for the actual extension implemented. But certainly the xserver-xorg-core package on Debian/unstable doesn't list XTrap in xdpyinfo by default.
--- Comment #239 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2009-03-27 08:23:19 --- Ignore that, I confused XTrap and XTest. It's compiled, but not enabled by default.
--- Comment #240 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2009-03-29 03:49:18 --- has some XInput2 information.
--- Comment #241 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2009-03-31 07:00:57 --- Xorg has dropped XTrap as of Xserver 1.6.
--- Comment #242 from Joey Forgues Forget 2009-04-06 12:38:57 --- Created an attachment (id=20315) --> ( add a toggle with the middle mouse button for the mouse wrapping.
Here a small patch i did based on those with mouse wrapping , but instead of requiring you to hold the key. its a toggle.
work perfectly fine with most games since you can toggle it off with the middle mouse button (its used in some games, but rarely an important action).
Obviously, this is only meant as a temporary solution, but its enough for me.
--- Comment #243 from dlzerocool 2009-04-26 06:02:12 --- Created an attachment (id=20721) --> ( mouse patch modified only recenter mouse when right,left or middle click is down.
This patch is a version modified on one that is actually present here.
The only change is that when right/left/middle click is not pressed, center the mouse on the screen is not applied.
Like warhammer online other games only have problems with mouse when right or left clic is used. Some games use this function with middle click so I added middle click too.
This is a sort of hack, so it's not a really usable patch... But it can help for some games at moment, so I post my changes added to this patch here.
--- Comment #244 from dlzerocool 2009-04-26 06:30:55 --- (In reply to comment #243)
Created an attachment (id=20721)
--> ( [details]
mouse patch modified only recenter mouse when right,left or middle click is down.
This patch is a version modified on one that is actually present here.
The only change is that when right/left/middle click is not pressed, center the mouse on the screen is not applied.
Like warhammer online other games only have problems with mouse when right or left clic is used. Some games use this function with middle click so I added middle click too.
This is a sort of hack, so it's not a really usable patch... But it can help for some games at moment, so I post my changes added to this patch here.
For information I use Playonlinux to install all my software even not supported. It's a great tool because each install have is own directory with his own register, it's own setup to explain everything, and you can set up a different wine version for each software.
So with this patch, all my games who I don't set in registery force_edge even if I use the same wine version (system), I don't have any problems, even for FPS likes etc...
--- Comment #245 from James Stone 2009-05-04 11:26:25 --- Given the wide range of apps that are affected by this bug, it's severity should probably be upped from Normal to Major.
--- Comment #246 from Lars Blomqvist 2009-05-11 14:00:52 --- Created an attachment (id=21031) --> ( Output during lag/freeze when using patch id=18681
(In reply to comment #206)
Created an attachment (id=18681)
--> ( [details]
Hack to read raw mouse movement from /dev/input/mice
I thought I'd give this patch a try since it seems to be the only one that doesn't wrap the mouse, however I experienced the same lag/freeze as others here.
I'm no expert when it comes to the dinput code in Wine but I thought maybe someone else might have use for output when running a game like Mount & Blade with WINEDEBUG=+dinput and this patch.
The output is what's dumped to my terminal every time (and only when) the application freezes.
Any thoughts?
--- Comment #247 from 2009-06-04 12:05:53 --- Created an attachment (id=21554) --> ( Patch for mouse for bug 6971
--- Comment #248 from 2009-06-04 12:38:28 --- (From update of attachment 21554) to activate WINEFORCEMOUSEWARP=yes wine proggy.exe
--- Comment #249 from 2009-06-04 12:44:10 --- The Patch that i have proposed works for all Ut3 engine games, Crysis and Crysis Warhead and all those ut2004 engine games, this i my firts try at wines mouse but i hope this patch can be useful to all the community
--- Comment #250 from Vitaliy Margolen 2009-06-04 19:38:45 --- *** Bug 18774 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
--- Comment #251 from Alessandro Pedarra 2009-06-19 12:17:41 --- Please how can I implement this patch? I'm not a programmer so if you can explain it to me... many thanks.
--- Comment #252 from sheen 2009-06-19 12:45:56 --- (In reply to comment #251)
Please how can I implement this patch? I'm not a programmer so if you can explain it to me... many thanks.
take the patch, get the source via git, apply the patch, compile, install. it should be approximatively this :
create a file patch.diff and copy the patch inside install git-core git clone git:// ~/user/wine-git cd ~/user/wine-git patch -p1 < /locationofthepatch/patch.diif make depend make make install
(Don't forget to install all the needed library, you should find them on the wiki)
--- Comment #253 from Alessandro Pedarra 2009-06-19 13:24:17 --- (In reply to comment #252)
(In reply to comment #251)
Please how can I implement this patch? I'm not a programmer so if you can explain it to me... many thanks.
take the patch, get the source via git, apply the patch, compile, install. it should be approximatively this :
create a file patch.diff and copy the patch inside install git-core git clone git:// ~/user/wine-git cd ~/user/wine-git patch -p1 < /locationofthepatch/patch.diif make depend make make install
(Don't forget to install all the needed library, you should find them on the wiki)
I got stopped here: alessandro@alessandro-desktop:~/user/wine-git$ make depend make: *** Nessuna regola per creare l'obiettivo «depend». Arresto. alessandro@alessandro-desktop:~/user/wine-git$
--- Comment #254 from sheen 2009-06-19 14:31:22 --- (In reply to comment #253)
I got stopped here: alessandro@alessandro-desktop:~/user/wine-git$ make depend make: *** Nessuna regola per creare l'obiettivo «depend». Arresto. alessandro@alessandro-desktop:~/user/wine-git$
Sorry I've forgotten the ./configure line (before make depend), but you'll need all the library The best way for you is here : All is explained, for all environment.
--- Comment #255 from Alessandro Pedarra 2009-06-19 16:29:18 --- (In reply to comment #254)
(In reply to comment #253)
I got stopped here: alessandro@alessandro-desktop:~/user/wine-git$ make depend make: *** Nessuna regola per creare l'obiettivo «depend». Arresto. alessandro@alessandro-desktop:~/user/wine-git$
Sorry I've forgotten the ./configure line (before make depend), but you'll need all the library The best way for you is here : All is explained, for all environment.
Tried to do it but with no success.. maybe because I made everything (even WineOn64bit) in ~/user/wine-git ?
Anyway for me it's too much, I do not really understand the process. I think I have to wait for the next official build, hoping that the patch will be integrated.
Thanks anyway for your support sheen. ;)
--- Comment #256 from 2009-06-20 06:54:10 --- (In reply to comment #248)
(From update of attachment 21554 [details]) to activate WINEFORCEMOUSEWARP=yes wine proggy.exe
Does this patch only effect the builtin dinput? I was trying to get Halo to work, and the mouse lags quite a bit unless I use a native dinput8. Using the native dll of course causes the mouse to escape the window...
I tried this patch but it didn't seem to change anything.