--- Comment #223 from rich 2008-02-22 18:15:00 --- (In reply to comment #222)
The complicated thing is that not all apps with a 3d view use GL client / child windows. They can implement their own windowed rendering mechanism (e.g. by copying some offscreen buffer to the screen). Further not all drivers support our child window rendering method YET. Nvidia's drivers support it well and second recent versions of the opensource intel drivers should work too. Rich your issue is likely driver related.
Perhaps your right I should try to track down the methods that glscene(open source pascal/c opengl implementation) developers use. As for the driver, no, I have used both the latest intel drivers for fedora. All other opengl apps I've tested work perfectly. However regression testing has made a huge difference as I now have it working again. It is a bit slower than when it randomly worked under 0.9.52 but at least it works and really that's all I care to see. Working. Forget the fluff it used to work.
I plan to close this bug soon. Applications that remain to suffer from issues like this, should be handled in application specific bugs because it isn't a generic issue anymore.
Seems pretty generic to me when an open source library for c and pascal fails. Did you actually try any of the demos or are you just shooting to kill? Just kidding ;). I'm sure since I'm not a wine dev I miss all the juicey tidbits. BTW most of these demos compile successfully under both wine/lazarus and wine/delphi 6. The really strange thing to me is the randomness in 0.9.52 about 1 out of every 100 times everything was flawless ... the rest of the time nothing at all. To me that shouts wine problem... and since it worked sometimes shouldn't it just always work?
Forgive my lack of windows knowledge I barely know anything about it since I haven't used it in over 12 years.