--- Comment #41 from Tim Williams 2009-09-27 21:27:30 --- (In reply to comment #40)
Created an attachment (id=23799)
--> ( [details]
gzipped relay trace showing err:wininet
relay trace of TroopMaster with one err: message. Maybe this is the bug?
0009:Ret KERNEL32.WideCharToMultiByte() retval=00000043 ret=7e30ee6e fixme:wininet:URLCache_FindFirstFreeEntry Grow file err:wininet:CommitUrlCacheEntryInternal no free entries 0009:Call KERNEL32.ReleaseMutex(00000094) ret=7e30eb44 0009:Ret KERNEL32.ReleaseMutex() retval=00000001 ret=7e30eb44
########### I'm at wine 1.1.29 now ###############
I'm trying to get this bug fixed, but I'm not making much progress. (HELP!) I found out how to control the output so I don't have to wade through a lot of traces where I know it's working, but there's still a lot of output. I used section 2.5 of the Developer's Guide to pipe the output to a temporary pipe, and delayed the downloaded of the database until I was ready. (Set options "Prompt for DotNet download" and "Prompt for read-only".
I can see in the log where TroopMaster (TM) is checking the license registration and downloading the data,
0009:Call KERNEL32.lstrlenA(01302860 "C:\Troopmaster Software\TM4\DotNet\status.tsi") ret=5f40248f 0009:Ret KERNEL32.lstrlenA() retval=0000002d ret=5f40248f 0009:Call KERNEL32.InterlockedDecrement(01302804) ret=5f401936 0009:Ret KERNEL32.InterlockedDecrement() retval=00000000 ret=5f401936 0009:Call KERNEL32.lstrlenA(1009aa40 "") ret=5f40396c 0009:Ret KERNEL32.lstrlenA() retval=00000000 ret=5f40396c 0009:Call KERNEL32.InterlockedIncrement(013026c4) ret=5f403ed0 0009:Ret KERNEL32.InterlockedIncrement() retval=00000003 ret=5f403ed0 0009:Call KERNEL32.lstrlenA(013026d0 "Checking database status") ret=5f41195f 0009:Ret KERNEL32.lstrlenA() retval=00000018 ret=5f41195f 0009:Call KERNEL32.lstrlenA(5f4d1c58 "") ret=5f41195f 0009:Ret KERNEL32.lstrlenA() retval=00000000 ret=5f41195f 0009:Call KERNEL32.lstrlenA(01302810 "Checking database status") ret=5f40248f 0009:Ret KERNEL32.lstrlenA() retval=00000018 ret=5f40248f 0009:Call user32.SetWindowTextA(00020064,01302810 "Checking database status") ret=5f404979 0009:Call window proc 0x5f401b81 (hwnd=0x20064,msg=WM_SETTEXT,wp=00000000,lp=01302810) ... 0009:Call KERNEL32.ReadFile(000000c4,011f3058,00000200,0032d7a0,00000000) ret=00b129a4 0009:Ret KERNEL32.ReadFile() retval=00000001 ret=00b129a4 ...
(gobs and gobs of these)
Then I finally get to the "err:wininet" message,but I don't know what it all means.
I finally then ctrl-C TroopMaster to finish the log.