v3: mshtml: Don't create dynamic prop before checking if elem prop even exists.
mshtml: Allow accessing some document elements as props via id.
mshtml: Expose props via element name only for specific element types.
With this series it's now possible to run and pass `user32:monitor` and `user32:sysparams` tests with nulldrv, and so most `user32` tests (except for a few desktop cursor position tests). This still requires some prefix configuration to enable the nulldrv driver, or a change like https://gitlab.winehq.org/rbernon/wine/-/commit/753368ad0ec52f03f8d6e78ca79… to enable it when `DISPLAY` environment variable is unset.
This then shows that some of the user32 tests are failing with winex11 but passing with nulldrv, as in https://gitlab.winehq.org/rbernon/wine/-/commit/6d5f4109a514a0dc266899fcacf….
v9: win32u: Read mode from the registry if GetCurrentDisplaySettings fails.
win32u: Write display settings to the registry in apply_display_settings.
win32u: Lock display devices while applying display settings.
win32u: Use an internal WINE_DM_PRIMARY_DEVICE flag on primary adapter modes.
win32u: Remove the device name parameter from GetCurrentDisplaySettings.
win32u: Force update display cache after NtUserChangeDisplaySettingsEx.
win32u: Add a BOOL force parameter to update_display_cache.
I used the following test program (compiled with MSVC with /MD):
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef void** (__cdecl *pcurrent_exception)(void);
int main()
HMODULE hvcr = LoadLibraryA("vcruntime140.dll");
HMODULE ucrtb = LoadLibraryA("ucrtbase.dll");
pcurrent_exception p__current_exception1, p__current_exception2;
p__current_exception1 = (pcurrent_exception)GetProcAddress(hvcr, "__current_exception");
p__current_exception2 = (pcurrent_exception)GetProcAddress(ucrtb, "__current_exception");
catch (const char *s)
EXCEPTION_RECORD* rec1 = (EXCEPTION_RECORD *)*p__current_exception1();
EXCEPTION_RECORD* rec2 = (EXCEPTION_RECORD *)*p__current_exception2();
printf("Exception %s, rec1 %p (code %#lx), rec2 %p.\n", s, rec1, rec1->ExceptionCode, rec2);
This outputs the following on Windows:
Exception ex1, rec1 00000089CAF9F990 (code 0xe06d7363), rec2 0000000000000000.
So I think that confirms that:
1. vcruntime140 and ucrtbase have distinct local data (or at least current exception data) on Windows;
2. vcruntime140_1 links to vcruntime140.
3. msvcp140 should link to vcruntime140's exception data too as it is apparently able to get the correct current exception in ?__ExceptionPtrCurrentException@@YAXPEAX@Z.
These patches allow the current exception to be correctly located when there are mixed builtin and native VC runtime 140.
With this series it's now possible to run and pass `user32:monitor` and `user32:sysparams` tests with nulldrv, and so most `user32` tests (except for a few desktop cursor position tests). This still requires some prefix configuration to enable the nulldrv driver, or a change like https://gitlab.winehq.org/rbernon/wine/-/commit/753368ad0ec52f03f8d6e78ca79… to enable it when `DISPLAY` environment variable is unset.
This then shows that some of the user32 tests are failing with winex11 but passing with nulldrv, as in https://gitlab.winehq.org/rbernon/wine/-/commit/6d5f4109a514a0dc266899fcacf….
v8: win32u: Read mode from the registry if GetCurrentDisplaySettings fails.
win32u: Write display settings to the registry in apply_display_settings.
win32u: Lock display devices while applying display settings.
win32u: Use an internal WINE_DM_PRIMARY_DEVICE flag on primary adapter modes.
win32u: Force update display cache after NtUserChangeDisplaySettingsEx.
win32u: Add a BOOL force parameter to update_display_cache.