The storage event url prop fix is tested after the location.hash tests are added, implicitly. I didn't find a need to add extra tests for no reason there.
The super_navigate changes for fragments is also necessary for the location.hash tests (and its behavior, apparently)…
v6: mshtml: Implement document.importNode.
mshtml: Implement HTMLLocation_put_hash.
mshtml: Always use navigate_fragment for fragment-only navigation in navigate_uri.
mshtml: Don't include fragment in storage event's url prop.
mshtml: Return E_ABORT if wine-gecko's OnDataAvailable aborts the binding.
mshtml: Improve locale stub for KeyboardEvent.
mshtml: Implement isContentEditable for HTML elements.
mshtml/tests: Handle broken localStorage on native.
FWIW this MR failed the test-linux-32 pipeline, as it actually fixed and then succeeded a todo_wine in the `comctl32:edit` tests. It got merged nontheless, and now the pipelines of all the MR are failing the same spot.