Support manually packing constant buffer elements through the `packoffset(·)` syntax.
Support not included yet for simultaneously having semantics, `register(·)`, and `packoffset(·)`, for abnormalities such as:
Texture2D tex;
cbuffer buff
float4 a : packoffset(c0);
sampler sam : packoffset(c0) : register(s1) : SEMANTIC;
float4 main() : sv_target
return tex.Sample(sam, float2(0, 0)) + a;
but this motivated the addition of the `hlsl_ir_var.offset_reservation` field instead of reusing `hlsl_ir_var.reg_reservation`.
This patch addresses an issue in Second Life and potentially other
multi-threaded applications which process WM_KEYDOWN in one thread
and then verify that the key is "still down" with GetAsyncKeyState
from another thread. Wine uses a per-thread key cache, resulting
in inconsistent views of key status. Caches are now invalidated
when an input event is injected by the driver or via SendInput.
v5: win32u: invalidate all cached keys after input