gdiplus: fillPath and strokePath parameters cannot be used at the same time for GdipCreateCustomLineCap
v2: gdiplus: fillPath and strokePath parameters cannot be used at the same time for GdipCreateCustomLineCap
Since Yousician's last update, it was throwing an error when initialising audio output. Unfortunately I don't have access to the old version, but they seem to have dropped win<10 support, and are using only IAudioClient3_InitializeSharedAudioStream. They also use IDeviceTopology to get the type of the first output connector.
This is the bare minimum I needed to get it working.
Fixes balloon tooltips so that they can be drawn outside of the work area (required for system tray icons) and improves the shape of the tooltips so that they resemble their shape on Windows.
v2: Fix balloon without breaking GDI