It's no problem to send fewer of these per MR. I have included the complete set because all but the last introduce no functional changes, and upstreaming a smaller set would leave the changes in a half-done state with unnecessary buffering.
v2: vkd3d: Store command list commands in a buffer until executed.
vkd3d: Store WriteBufferImmediate() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store ExecuteIndirect() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store SetPredication() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store ResolveQueryData() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store EndQuery() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store BeginQuery() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store d3d12_command_list_clear_uav() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store ClearRenderTargetView() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store ClearDepthStencilView() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store OMSetRenderTargets() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store SOSetTargets() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store IASetVertexBuffers() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store IASetIndexBuffer() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store d3d12_command_list_set_root_descriptor() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store d3d12_command_list_set_root_cbv() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store d3d12_command_list_set_root_constants() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store d3d12_command_list_set_descriptor_table() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store d3d12_command_list_set_root_signature() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Add an internal refcount to struct d3d12_root_signature.
vkd3d: Store ResourceBarrier() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store SetPipelineState() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store OMSetStencilRef() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store OMSetBlendFactor() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store RSSetScissorRects() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store RSSetViewports() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store IASetPrimitiveTopology() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store ResolveSubresource() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store CopyResource() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store CopyTextureRegion() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store CopyBufferRegion() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store Dispatch() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store DrawIndexedInstanced() arguments in a buffer.
vkd3d: Store DrawInstanced() arguments in a buffer.
This merge request has too many patches to be relayed via email.
Please visit the URL below to see the contents of the merge request.
I tried build a real Windows application (mimikatz) and had troubles with some wine headers incompatibility. The patch set improves headers to allow build the foreign application with Wine.
v2: include: Add standalone LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES prototype if ntdef.h is not included.
include: Add initial activeds.h.
include: Add missed PCWCHAR to winnt.h.
include: Include ncrypt.h in wincrypt.h.
include: Add specstrings_strict.h with some defines.
include: Use compatible file guard name (_NTSECAPI_, _NTSECPKG_).
include: Add some missed defines.
This fixes an issue when the path includes non-ASCII characters.
Signed-off-by: Jactry Zeng <jzeng(a)>
v7: mshtml: Call UrlUnescapeW() with URL_UNESCAPE_AS_UTF8 in is_gecko_path().
shlwapi/tests: Test UrlUnescapeW() with URL_UNESCAPE_AS_UTF8.