The issue can be reproduced with LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=1 on Mesa. The
Gitlab machines are affected.
v2: d3d9/tests: Skip big test_query loops if the d3d implementation is too slow.
Since 1.20, gst_element_request_pad_simple is available and
gst_element_get_request_pad is marked as deprecated.
v7: winegstreamer: Add MFMPEG4SinkClassFactory.
mf/tests: Use h264 and aac in mp4 media sink tests.
mf/tests: Add tests for h264 encoder.
The "GdiInterop" is a sample application (source code is avaiable in [Github][source_code], relative guide in [MSDN][msdn_guide]) that demostracts how to display DirectWrite text on a GDI surface. After set dpi to 168 in `winecfg`, and run sample application with wine, the font size is normal, but the position of glyph is incorrect.
| Dpi: 96 | Dpi: 168 |
| ![ss1][sc_96dpi] | ![ss2][sc_168dpi] |
There is the sample application after compile: [Release_x64.tar.gz](/uploads/c70e32824efcaa5d16ab39bbb4b86e30/Release_x64.tar.gz)
After change transform matrix that pass to `IDWriteFactory7_CreateGlyphRunAnalysis`, it can display glyph correctly.
[sc_96dpi]: /uploads/59cc343cfaa025f4ff4c32a84ab8cfeb/图片.png
[sc_168dpi]: /uploads/938be653362bb6ac58471b69ab66099a/图片.png
v2: dwrite: Return render bounds if text not intersect to BitmapRenderTarget
dwrite: Fix incorrect position of glyph when rendering with BitmapRenderTarget in HiDPI
This can then be used to run tests in an appx context, for instance for
v3: windows.applicationmodel/tests: Test executing a WinRT package application.
windows.applicationmodel/tests: Test IPackageManager_RegisterPackageAsync.
makedep: Support generating .exe TESTDLL resources.
makedep: Use #pragma makedep testdll for TESTDLL resources.
windows.applicationmodel/tests: Add some IPackageManager tests.
windows.applicationmodel: Add stub DLL.