Otherwise pipelines fail to resolve when media source outputs compressed samples and applications have inserted optional effects (such as VRChat with AVPro player).
Note that the topology loader doesn't currently support MF_CONNECT_AS_OPTIONAL, although the connection succeeds in the the cases I've seen.
v2: mfreadwrite/reader: Pass the device manager to the stream transforms.
winegstreamer/video_processor: Implement D3D awareness.
mf/tests: Test video processor D3D11 awareness.
mfreadwrite/tests: Add some source reader D3D11 awareness tests.
mfreadwrite/tests: Avoid using MFCreateMediaBufferFromMediaType.
mfreadwrite/tests: Do not accept MFVideoFormat_RGB32 in the test transform.
Search names in fonts in the order of Microsoft, Mac and finally Unicode platform. This is also the
order win32u uses to load font names.
Fix Granado Espada Japan (1219160) launcher crashes at start in the Japanese locale. The game ships
a font with a broken name record of Mac platform and encoding ID 0 (Roman) but the name string is in
code page 10001 (Japanese). This broken name record is placed before the name records for the
Microsoft platform so it gets selected first. Then the name string in the name record doesn't get
converted correctly to Unicode because of the wrong code page. Thus the EnumFontFamiliesExW()
in GdipPrivateAddMemoryFont() fails to find the font and causes game crash.
On Thu Apr 4 08:24:18 2024 +0000, Zhiyi Zhang wrote:
> Also, in the commit message subject. Not just the MR subject.
OK, I think I got it ! I'll keep these in mind for next time.
On Thu Apr 4 08:24:18 2024 +0000, Sam Joan Roque-Worcel wrote:
> Woops! That's what you get for coding late at night. I've hopefully
> addressed it now
We usually add a dot at the end of the message subject. Please do that as well.