Without this fix, the font cache was filling up with lots of duplicate entries,
and getting cache misses, thereby causing font-intensive applications
to be very slow (e.g. AvalonEdit) .
This fix provides 30x speed increase when processing glyphs.
Support manually packing constant buffer elements through the `packoffset(·)` syntax.
Support not included yet for simultaneously having semantics, `register(·)`, and `packoffset(·)`, for abnormalities such as:
Texture2D tex;
cbuffer buff
float4 a : packoffset(c0);
sampler sam : packoffset(c0) : register(s1) : SEMANTIC;
float4 main() : sv_target
return tex.Sample(sam, float2(0, 0)) + a;
but this motivated the addition of the `hlsl_ir_var.offset_reservation` field instead of reusing `hlsl_ir_var.reg_reservation`.