The test for ISmbiosInformationStatics_get_SerialNumber is broken on Window 10 testbot VMs, presumably because they don't have a serial number? It results in an HRESULT of E_UNEXPECTED. I added a broken test case for it. I'm assuming that normal installations of Windows return a valid serial number or at least something like "Not Specified" and not NULL. Also, on my Linux OS running cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_serial returns "To be filled by O.E.M". So I added a fallback to return 0 as the number. Or is it fine to just return whatever string is found?
On the Windows 8 VMs, the test crashes at line 75, hr = ISmbiosInformationStatics_get_SerialNumber( smbios_statics, &serial ). Not sure what I should do in this case. I was hoping for a flag that checks if the VM is Windows 8, but there doesn't seem to be one. Should I wrap the test in if (0) or is there an alternative way?
Another weird thing is the test fails prematurely on only the 32-bit version of debian11b, saying that the runtimeclass is not registered. I'm assuming it's an issue with the testbot. Debian11 32 bit runs fine.
v5: windows.system.profile.systemmanufacturers: Implement ISmbiosInformationStatics_get_SerialNumber.
> * direct call: 5761
> * unpatched Wine: 13933
> * ret.diff: 6823 (55% time spent in \__wine_unix_call_dispatcher, 29% in PE vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties)
> Looks impressive!
Thanks, committed as 0aae4b05633cb9b38eb37cc662f5a3aadb3ce108. Can we get rid of direct calls now? :wink: