Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about server/protocol.def:
> - int force_async; /* Force asynchronous mode? */
> + async_data_t async; /* async I/O parameters */
> + int force_async; /* Force asynchronous mode? */
> obj_handle_t wait; /* handle to wait on for blocking send */
> unsigned int options; /* device open options */
> int nonblocking; /* is socket non-blocking? */
> + int fixup_type; /* socket protocol fixup */
> +@END
> +
> +
> +/* Store info needed for protocol fixup */
> +@REQ(socket_fixup_send_data)
> + obj_handle_t handle; /* socket handle */
> + unsigned short icmp_id; /* ICMP packet id */
> + unsigned short icmp_seq; /* ICMP packed sequence */
Instead of re-aligning tabbing of `@REQ(send_socket)`, maybe we can also use `int` or `short` here. Although `unsigned short` makes more sense if we're going to restrict the scope of the two new server calls only to ICMP packets.
Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about server/sock.c:
> struct fd *fd;
> if (!sock) return;
> +
> + if (sock->fixup_type != req->fixup_type)
> + {
> + /* Protocol fixup information should be reflected in client's async data before the
> + * async is delivered to process. So let the client set up the info and restart the
> + * call. */
> + reply->fixup_type = sock->fixup_type;
> + release_object( sock );
> + return;
> + }
> +
We can save the `fixup_type` round trip in the optimal case by returning `STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED` _only_ when the async would otherwise enter the pending state (i.e. final `status` is `STATUS_PENDING`), and setting `reply->fixup_type` in all cases (specifically, `status == STATUS_ALERTED`).
Not sure if this improvement would be worth it, though, especially since
1) it doesn't eliminate `STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED` (the raison d'��tre of which being that can't pass extra info via `APC_ASYNC_IO`, and we can't normally synchronize with the APC either, since it's asynchronous by nature) completely, and thus doesn't help simplify the patch,
2) not many tools rely on ICMP packet performace (save for a few network testing tools), and
3) server calls make us lose in the first place.
Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about dlls/ws2_32/socket.c:
> }
> -static BOOL protocol_matches_filter( const int *filter, int protocol )
> +static BOOL protocol_matches_filter( const int *filter, unsigned int index )
Would it be more clear to accept `const WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW *` instead of an index into the `supported_protocols` array?
Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about dlls/ws2_32/tests/sock.c:
> + sum += s;
> + carry = s > sum;
> + count -= 2;
> + }
> + sum += carry; /* This won't produce another carry */
> + sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
> +
> + if (count) sum += *data; /* LE-only */
> +
> + sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
> + /* fold in any carry */
> + sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
> +
> + check = ~sum;
> + return check;
> +}
It's much simpler to implement 1's complement checksum without the use of an explicit `carry` variable. How about the following:
static UINT16 chksum(BYTE *data, unsigned int count)
UINT16 *ptr = (UINT16 *)data, *end = ptr + count / 2;
unsigned int sum = 0;
while (ptr != end)
sum += *ptr++;
sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
if (count % 2)
sum += *(BYTE *)ptr; /* LE-only */
sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
return ~sum;
Note that `sum` is in range `[0, 0xfffe]` at the start of each iteration. After addition, the range extends to `[0, 0x1fffd]`; however, since `0xfffd + 0x1 = 0xfffe`, the range folds back to `[0, 0xfffe]`.
Ditto for tests in ntdll.
v2: winegstreamer: Check H264 ProcessOutput sample against actual image size.
winegstreamer: Use H264 input media type frame size when specified.
winegstreamer: Implement H264 SetOutputType by reconfiguring the pipeline.