Currently shell32 only transfers the plain icon for `Shell_NotifyIcon` calls, ignoring balloon icons. This patch allows transferring both images to explorer.exe tray.
v12: shell32: add support for balloon icon copying
shell32: move icon related fields in notify_data into separate struct
Currently shell32 only transfers the plain icon for `Shell_NotifyIcon` calls, ignoring balloon icons. This patch allows transferring both images to explorer.exe tray.
v11: shell32: add support for balloon icon copying
shell32: move icon related fields in notify_data into separate struct
File emfdc.c, function get_bitmap_info:
Memory leaks in get_bitmap_info via return before calling DeleteDC and DeleteObject.
v17: gdi32: Actually return the device context and bitmap from get_bitmap_info().
This is the initial set of patches for handling new pixel format types. I've pushed a branch [here](… containing the rest of my current patches if additional context would be useful, the new format handling patches end with `ed7022a0838b346f4fa2b229ce7e8e6b8ebc2244`.
v4: d3dx9: Use format_from_d3dx_color() instead of fill_texture().
d3dx9: Add support for D3DFMT_V8U8.
d3dx9: Add support for D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8.
d3dx9: Store pixel value range alongside pixel values when reading pixels.
d3dx9: Clamp source components to unorm range.
d3dx9/tests: Add format conversion tests for premultiplied alpha DXTn formats.
d3dx9/tests: Add more d3d format conversion tests.
This is the initial set of patches for handling new pixel format types. I've pushed a branch [here](… containing the rest of my current patches if additional context would be useful, the new format handling patches end with `ed7022a0838b346f4fa2b229ce7e8e6b8ebc2244`.
v3: d3dx9: Use format_from_d3dx_color() instead of fill_texture().
d3dx9: Add support for D3DFMT_V8U8.
d3dx9: Add support for D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8.
d3dx9: Store pixel value range alongside pixel values when reading pixels.
d3dx9: Clamp source components to unorm range.
d3dx9/tests: Add format conversion tests for premultiplied alpha DXTn formats.
d3dx9/tests: Add more d3d format conversion tests.
IIUC atexit isn't exported by ucrtbase, but still exists (maybe as a builtin) and is resolved to a module-local symbol which can be used to register functions executed on module process detach. It is called implicitly by C++ compilers to register static destructors.
v5: include: Define __cpuid(ex) as intrinsics when possible.
include: Don't import atexit from CRTs.