Currently shell32 only transfers the plain icon for `Shell_NotifyIcon` calls, ignoring balloon icons. This patch allows transferring both images to explorer.exe tray.
v9: shell32: add support for balloon icon copying
shell32: refactor notify_icon to allow copying multiple icons
This makes it possible to position client windows relative to their toplevel with the driver window rects only, without having to call into win32u to map window points. Updating the child window states whenever a window is moved will also let us to update the driver client-toplevel surface association in WindowPosChanged, for cases where the ancestor of a client surface is reparented.
v2: win32u: Pass all drivers window rects relative to the virtual screen.
winex11: Handle ConfigureNotify for embedded window separately.
win32u: Update children with a surface when the parent window moves.
win32u: Lock the window when removing a vulkan surface from its list.
win32u: Make sure vulkan windows have a pixel format selected.
win32u: Pass window DPI rects in to MoveWindowBits.
winemac: Remove MoveWindowBits driver entry.
This is the initial set of patches for handling new pixel format types. I've pushed a branch [here](… containing the rest of my current patches if additional context would be useful, the new format handling patches end with `ed7022a0838b346f4fa2b229ce7e8e6b8ebc2244`.
v2: d3dx9: Use format_from_d3dx_color() instead of fill_texture().
d3dx9: Add support for D3DFMT_V8U8.
d3dx9: Add support for D3DFMT_Q8W8V8U8.
d3dx9: Store pixel value range alongside pixel values when reading pixels.
d3dx9: Clamp source components to unorm range.
d3dx9/tests: Add format conversion tests for premultiplied alpha DXTn formats.
d3dx9/tests: Add more d3d format conversion tests.
IIUC atexit isn't exported by ucrtbase, but still exists (maybe as a builtin) and is resolved to a module-local symbol which can be used to register functions executed on module process detach. It is called implicitly by C++ compilers to register static destructors.
v4: include: Define __cpuid(ex) as intrinsics when _MSC_VER is defined.
include: Don't import atexit when building with ucrtbase.