Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about dlls/gdi32/emfdc.c:
((DWORD *)dib_info->bmiColors)[1] = 0x00ff00; ((DWORD *)dib_info->bmiColors)[2] = 0x0000ff; break;
case 1:
((DWORD *)dib_info->bmiColors)[0] = 0x000000;
((DWORD *)dib_info->bmiColors)[1] = 0xffffff;
Monochrome bitmaps are not always black and white when blitted to a colored DC. Have you checked if the colors should be in fact {GetTextColor(), GetBgColor()}? Should we respect their palettes just like in the default case, if they have any? Wouldn't this cause regression in that case?