Fabian Maurer (@DarkShadow44) commented about include/shobjidl.idl:
HRESULT PerformOperations(); HRESULT GetAnyOperationsAborted([out] BOOL *aborted);
- object,
- uuid(2c1c7e2e-2d0e-4059-831e-1e6f82335c2e),
- pointer_default(unique)
+] +interface IEnumObjects : IUnknown +{
Probably should look like ``` [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [in] REFIID riid, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched), iid_is(riid)] void **rgelt, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); ``` I *think* the annotations are optional, but the local stuff might be needed for... something. I don't know, probably best to have it.
Not sure where you got that `pceltFetched` [optional] from, I didn't find that.