Jacek Caban (@jacek) commented about dlls/mshtml/mutation.c:
static nsresult NSAPI nsRunnable_Run(nsIRunnable *iface) {
- thread_data_t *thread_data = get_thread_data(FALSE); nsRunnable *This = impl_from_nsIRunnable(iface);
- nsresult nsres;
- if(!thread_data)
- return This->proc(This->doc, This->arg1, This->arg2);
- thread_data->tasks_locked++;
- nsres = This->proc(This->doc, This->arg1, This->arg2);
- if(!--thread_data->tasks_locked)
- return nsres;
I think it would make sense to abstract thread data handling details from places like this or event handler. This could look like: ``` block_task_processing(); This->proc(...); unblock_task_processing(); ```
Maybe we could even use the same helpers in `hidden_proc` itself.