Huw Davies (@huw) commented about dlls/sapi/token.c:
- if (FAILED(hr = ISpObjectToken_OpenKey( token, L"Attributes", &attrs_key )))
return hr == SPERR_NOT_FOUND ? S_OK : hr;
- memset( match, 0, sizeof(match) );
- /* attrs is a semicolon-separated list of attribute clauses.
* Each clause consists of an attribute name and an optional operator and value.
* The meaning of a clause depends on the operator given:
* If no operator is given, the attribute must exist.
* If the operator is '=', the attribute must contain the given value.
* If the operator is '!=', the attribute must not exist or contain the given value.
- if (!(buf = wcsdup( attrs ))) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- for ( attr = wcstok( buf, L";", &attr_ctx ), i = 0; attr && i < 64;
attr = wcstok( NULL, L";", &attr_ctx ), i++ )
Let's explicitly use `wcstok_s()`.