Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about dlls/windows.web/tests/web.c:
- check_json( json_value_statics, json, JsonValueType_Boolean, TRUE );
- json = L" true ";
- check_json( json_value_statics, json, JsonValueType_Boolean, TRUE );
- json = L""true"";
- check_json( json_value_statics, json, JsonValueType_String, TRUE );
- json = L" 9.22 ";
- check_json( json_value_statics, json, JsonValueType_Number, TRUE );
- json = L" "Wine"";
- check_json( json_value_statics, json, JsonValueType_String, TRUE );
- json = L"["Wine", "Linux"]";
- check_json( json_value_statics, json, JsonValueType_Array, TRUE );
- json = L"\
- {\
\"Wine\": \"The Wine Project\",\
\"Linux\": [\"Arch\", \"BTW\"]\
- }";
I think you can split strings on multiple lines, which would save you the EOL escapes and would IMO be better:
```suggestion:-4+0 json = L"{" " "Wine": "The Wine Project"," " "Linux": ["Arch", "BTW"]" "}"; ```