Jinoh Kang (@iamahuman) commented about dlls/ntdll/heap.c:
RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList( &bin->groups, (SLIST_ENTRY *)&group->entry );
- }
- return block;
+static NTSTATUS heap_allocate_block_lfh( struct heap *heap, ULONG flags, SIZE_T block_size,
SIZE_T size, void **ret )
- struct bin *bin, *last = heap->bins + BLOCK_SIZE_BIN_COUNT - 1;
- struct block *block;
- bin = heap->bins + BLOCK_SIZE_BIN( block_size );
- if (ReadNoFence( &heap->compat_info ) != HEAP_LFH) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
- if (!heap->bins || bin == last) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
- if (!ReadNoFence( &bin->enabled )) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
We should ensure that the bin use _happens after_ its activation.
```suggestion:-0+0 /* paired with WriteRelease in bin_try_enable. */ if (!ReadAcquire( &bin->enabled )) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; ```